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Complete Plants

OMO-KURAZ 2 Sugar  Plant

OMO-KURAZ 2 Sugar  Plant

Kesem Sugar Plant

Bangladesh Sharjah chemical fertilizer plant project

DAP-1 Project 1 (Bangladesh)

DAP-1 Project 2 (Bangladesh)

Medical Clinic 1 (Morocco)

Medical Clinic 2 (Morocco)

Office Building of Public Prosecutor(Mozambique)

Anti-corruption Building(Mozambique)

Paper-mill 1 (Kyrgyzstan)

Paper-mill 2 (Kyrgyzstan)

Agricultural Machinery Plant(Myanmar)

China-Togo Co.,Ltd 1 (Togo)

China-Togo Co.,Ltd 2 (Togo)

Generators(Chile Guayacan)

Power Transmission Station (Chile Guayacan)

Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (Sri Lanka)

The Cairo International Conference Centre (Egypt)

The Palace of the Congress (Cameroon)

The October 2 Palace of the People (Guinea)

The Theater (Cote d'Ivoire)

The Airport Hotel (Algeria)

The Islamic Cultural Center (Mali)

The Children's Hospital (Sri Lanka)

The Computer Building of Statistic Department of Ministry of Finance (Uganda)


Convention and Exhibition Centre(Jamaica)

The Tanzania-Zambia Railway (Tanzania-Zambia)

The China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway (Pakistan)

The Yangon-Thanlyin Railway-cum-Road Bridge (Myanmar)

Reconstruction to Darkwood Highway (Antigua and Barbuda)

The Blue Nile River Bridge (Sudan)

The Highway (Yemen)

The Kathmandu-Kodari Highway (Nepal)

The Nouakchott Friendship Port (Mauritania)

The 300,000-ton Dry Dock and Quay (Malta)

The Pokhara Water Conservancy and Irrigation Project (Nepal)

The Lagdo Hydropower Station (Cameroon)

Upgrading of Electricity Transmission andTransformation Line(Antigua and Barbuda)

The Fanole Water Conservancy Project (Somalia)

The Medjerdah Cap-Bon Canal (Tunis)

The Mbarali Farm (Tanzania)

Trelawny Cricket Stadium (Jamaica)

The Bangui Stadium (Central Africa)

The Sports Complex (Samoa)

The National Stadium (Zimbabwe)

The NO.1 National Gymnasium (Myanmar)

The Cotonou Sports Complex (Benin)

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